Our last mission during the earthquake
When we talk about disability, whether physical or mental, our first concern often lies in the way society views it. What will others think? How will others look at me? Would I be excluded? So many questions plague our minds, questions that we normally shouldn't think about. However, with today's society, it is impossible to ignore them.
No individual chooses to be born with a disability or illness. Others, who are often our mirror, the one on whom we rely when nothing is going well, the one who tells us the truth to our faces even if it is not always easy to hear, should not constitute an obstacle to our development. Unfortunately, today, no one feels safe from view, especially when you are disabled, a reality that is particularly palpable in the world of work. An environment so unforgiving that a disabled individual, although having the necessary skills, is often pushed aside. On average, only 3 out of 10 disabled people have access to a job, and only one out of the 3 accesses a manager-type position in a company or other. However, not all disabilities necessarily constitute a barrier for a person. The reasons ? Our judgments, our insensitivity, our cruelty.
New Article: Impact of the September 2023 Earthquake
Following the devastating earthquake of September 2023, new people have unfortunately joined the ranks of those with disabilities. This disaster left physical and mental after-effects, creating an even more pressing need for mobilization for our association. These individuals, who face a new and sometimes frightening reality, require increased support to return to normal life despite the challenges they face.
Shouldn't we stop excluding them and instead facilitate their integration into society? As Françoise DOLTO said so well: “Every human group draws its wealth from communication, mutual aid and solidarity aimed at a common goal: the development of each person while respecting differences. »